Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Christians.

After completing my Masters degree I began to explore addictive behaviours based on the presenting clients such as gambling, drugs, alcohol and pornography. This led me to urge surfing (Bowen, Chawla and Marlatt, 2011). From there it was a short step into acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) (Hayes, Strosahl and Wilson, 2012). Integrating cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), narrative therapy and solutions focused therapy into a basic theology was how the journey began post graduation. It soon became evident that ACT was even more consistent with my theology and it demonstrated that it is an evidence based therapy that merges well within the basic framework already established. It was my privilege to be a presenter at the annual general meeting of CCAA NSW in 2014 exploring this development. Within the introduction of Hayes text he explains how ACT grew out of his own conceptualizing of Judeo-Christian traditions and the proposition that psychology is only really catching up with these traditions and their explanation of human suffering.

In my life I have had occasion to have an urge to write a book on three separate occasions. This was never more so when considering ACT in the context of a Christian experience. Imagine my disappointment to discover a book already existed called ACT with Christian Clients, A Practitioners Guide (Ord, 2014). I recommend you consider purchasing the pdf version for your library.


  1. Bowen S., Chawla N., Marlatt G. A., (2011) Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention for Addictive Behaviours; A Clinicians Guide, The Guildford Press, New York, USA.

  1. Hayes S.C, Strosahl K. D., and Wilson K. G., (2012) Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, The Process and Practice of Mindful Change, The Guildford Press, New York, USA.

3. Ord I. R., (2014), ACT with Faith; Acceptance and Commitment Therapy with

Christian Clients; A Practitioners Guide. Compass Publishing, London, UK.